Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hazrat Inayat Khan

We start our lives trying to be teachers; it is very hard to learn to be a pupil.

He is an unbeliever who cannot believe in himself.

Words that enlighten are more precious than jewels.

One single moment of a sincere life is worth more than a thousand years of a life of falsehood.

Wisdom existed before the wise; life existed before the living; love existed before the lover.

Life is an opportunity, and it is a great pity if man realizes this when it is too late.

Insight into Life is the real religion, which alone can help man to understand Life.

To learn the lesson of how to live is more important than any psychic or occult knowledge.

The more a man explores himself, the more power he finds within.

-Hazrat Inayat Khan


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