Friday, January 27, 2017

It's Julius Lester's Birthday Today

“It ain't how long you know somebody that means anything. It's what that person mean to you in your heart.”
― Julius Lester, Day of Tears

“Goodness was not a trait you acquired; it was a value you practiced when you were on the verge of doing evil.”
― Julius Lester, The Autobiography of God

“Being a failure at living your own life as best as you can is better than being a success living the life somebody else says you should live.”
― Julius Lester, Guardian

“Some wounds go so deep that you don't even feel them until months, maybe years, later.”
― Julius Lester, When Dad Killed Mom

“But there are times when a tree can no longer withstand the pain inflicted on it, and the wind will take pity on that tree and topple it over in a mighty storm. All the other trees who witnessed the evil look down upon the fallen tree with envy. They pray for the day when a wind will end their suffering. I pray for the day when God will end mine.”
― Julius Lester, Guardian

“Dying ain't important. Everyone does that. What's important is how well you do your living.”
― Julius Lester

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