Friday, March 03, 2017

Lily: Ambassador of Woonsocket

I was afraid to run because I have asthma but all of my training swimming has made my lungs so strong that I am no longer afraid to run and I don't get out of breath. My dog is thrilled. She paces well with her long graceful legs. Her toenails wear down on the asphalt so I never need to clip them, just the dew claw. She willing submits to the dew-claw clip in trade for a dog-biscuit. She also voluntarily jumps into the empty yellow bathtub for a hose-down of mud and salt, in trade for a cookie. She is the love of my life. When people ask me "Is she a service dog?" I say "Yes, in a way, she keeps me sane and doesn't let me wimp out on the long walks no matter what the weather is." I feel confident walking her at night or predawn hours. She is as big as a polar bear and as gentle as a lamb. "She's my guru," I say. "She's the ambassador of Woonsocket. She introduces me to everyone. She loves all dogs and all people, she loves food, and swimming, just like me!"

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