Saturday, October 27, 2018

Mood Indigo

October, November, December, is often the receive-mode low mood depression season for me. Every day I try out the idea of blowing off my walk to the Y pool. Just go swim one lap and you're free to go home! And lo and behold it works every time. I end up staying and swimming and feeling much better. But each day I have to trick myself again. Some days it's almost a game. Can this bad mood be beaten? Let's find out... Sometimes writing in my notebook seems to magnify my bad mood. At those times I tell myself, Go swim and come back later. Yesterday I was yawning and telling myself I was too tired to swim. I reminded myself, just do one lap. As soon as I hit the water I felt energized and stayed the course reminding myself that I am allowed to stop at any time. I had an unhealthy relationship with swimming 20 years ago. I don't want to go there again.

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