Wednesday, September 23, 2020


How does a bright red bed sheet go missing from a week ago? A missing sock I can understand...

I rage-oveflowed all my clothes and found it  clean and neatly folded in the chaotic pile.

this morning I washed the white sheets from our bed but when I went to hang them up in the boiler room I found one of the two pillowcases was gone.

 I searched everywhere.

What the hell is going on? I shouted, calling myself the C word.

After supper I asked my husband to accompany me down the cellar stairs.

Like a good detective I went over my steps.

 I stripped the bed and walked right over and dropped them into the washing machine like this, I said to my husband as I tilted my head into the empty washer.

  And there it was,  a white pillowcase stuck to the white-enamel tub. 

I needed a witness! I said, laughing, because I do this for him all the time.

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