Friday, November 18, 2022


I saw Grandma Pauline pull out of the post office parking lot today. I only met her once or twice and she died when I was 11. But there she was. I recognized her immediately by her egg shaped chin and baggy neck which fascinated me as a child.

Then the Tasmanian Devil drove by. Whenever I see her I imagine she has bowls of candy, plush toys and Disney movies playing in her office.

I already know that Mr Testosterone drives a black truck. Of course he does. He wouldn't be caught dead driving a sedan, those are for girls. I bet he was always called a sissy by an alcoholic father. He has to continually assert his power on everyone around him. Not funny. Never funny. Always boring.

The lady with the fake tan and the widely-spaced Jack O Lantern teeth is heading back to Florida. She seems not to be afraid of skin cancer even though she's had it before.

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