Saturday, November 26, 2022

Walking in Blackstone

Today walking in Blackstone we came upon a two-story colonial house with a small cement fountain centered on the front lawn, a slender statue of the Virgin Mary next to the bushes in front and a huge black treadmill was mounted on the top of the front stairs facing the front door. A support stand had been placed on the bottom cement stair to keep the machine level. Two white twin busts of Victorian women were at the base of the stairs, one on either side, in front of the shrubs. A round old lady was seated in the sun on a bench on the back patio. I waved and she waved back smiling. I stood and took a mental photograph wondering what the story was.

Then we continued walking and came upon a man smoking a cigarette at his side door. His shadow was big and dark against the pale yellow house. "Man and his shadow," I said to my husband. The front of his house had a gigantic hand-made spider web made from orange string with half a dozen two foot long purple, silver and black hairy spiders dangling. In his yard there was a 15 foot headless skeleton. His skull was on the ground at his feet.

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