Thursday, December 22, 2022

Misery is almost always the result of thinking.

 ― Joseph Joubert

“Close your eyes and see.”
Joseph Joubert

“Imagination is the eye of the soul.”
joseph joubert

“He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.”
Joseph Joubert 

“To teach is to learn twice.”
Joseph Joubert

“Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader.”
Joseph Joubert

“It is not my words that I polish, but my ideas.”
Joseph Joubert, The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert 

“Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.”
Joseph Joubert

“Misery is almost always the result of thinking.”
Joseph Joubert

“You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you.”
Joseph Joubert
“Everything has its poetry.”
Joseph Joubert, The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert

 “The breath of the mind is attention.”
Joseph Joubert, The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert

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