Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Vicarious Vice-ness 

I've inherited gallbladder disease from my family. After a childhood of stomach aches I discovered ways to eat that do not cause me pain. I forgot how far away from typical holiday foods this has brought me. When I try to participate even a little as I did recently, sampling the homemade cakes, meats, and pies, I spent the following day in bed with a heating pad on my tummy. So I have developed what I call vicarious vice-ness. I watch others enjoy wine, butter, meat and sugar. 

My grandfather and mother had their gallbladders removed. For me it's also necessary to avoid rich fatty oily things. The blessing is, I love vegetables and whole grains and small bits of lean meat like a garnish. It works.
We must thank our bodies for the warning lights. Thank our bodies for shouting back about what is not good for us. It's a blessing in disguise.

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