Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Your job in this life is your “life-work” Isaiah Frizzelle

If you remember who you are, you won’t be so eager to remind anyone else. That’s success!

As I gear up for the next meet up/signing… I’m processing all of this life journey stuff. 😂

I’m reminded that life gets to be so dope! And I mean something real cool. I look back and laugh to myself sometimes because man, It’s a been a ride with many surprises.
Even yourself!

You can’t doubt what you’re capable of while literally showing what you are capable…I mean you can but why would you? Stop trying to apologize for your mere existence so other people feel comfortable. Stop fearing your significance.

Life leaves little clues as you move through it, constantly reminding you of what it means to be yourself, and knowing the worth and value of that.

Your job in this life is your “life-work”, so don’t be so busy working overtime trying to prove your worth.

Write your story, Literally. Own it, embrace it, enjoy it and make magic out of it. 🪄 ✨

You got work to do!

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