Sunday, May 19, 2013

Judy Dench

Anything that we can do to improve the lives of elderly people is welcome so far as I am concerned.
-Judi Dench

I don't really want to retire. I intend to go on working as long as I can because I still have a huge amount of energy.
-Judi Dench

I don't think anybody can be told how to act. I think you can give advice. But you have to find your own way through it.
-Judi Dench

I'm very conscious that I'm in the minority in that I love what I do. How big is the number of people who are running to work to do a job that they like? And how lucky to be employed at it - how incredibly lucky.
-Judi Dench

I've always loved painting, although I never show anyone what I've done. Mainly because I don't do it well. But it's like a form of visual diary for me. A way of fixing things in my mind.
-Judi Dench

. . . The control you have in a theatre is very attractive to me.
-Judi Dench

The theater is the thing I love doing most.
-Judi Dench

The Lord Chamberlin was censoring scripts when I first came into the theater.
-Judi Dench

Work certainly does help fill a void.
-Judi Dench

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