Saturday, February 27, 2016

Smashing Potatoes again ala Chef Michael's Invention

If you like golden brown crispy crusty potatoes, then this dish is for you. It was originally created as a way to use up leftover boiled or baked potatoes, but it’s so good that you’ll soon be cooking potatoes just so you can smash and crisp ’em.

My husband loves these as much as I do. We just polished off a 5 pound bag of potatoes making our third batch! They are like latkes without labor. I think they are like my childhood favorite potato knishes that my grandma Sophie bought for me on Brighton Beach in 1965. Those were flat too and big like the size of a slice of pizza. There was a knish man with a steel box he carried like a shoulder bag slung over his shoulder.
"Hot knishes! Get your hot knishes here" he would yell in the August noonday sun. It was a funny thing to eat on a hot day but it was perfect and delicious and it was even better than french fries.

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