Wednesday, August 17, 2016


I like to peel, slice and pressure cook my beets for 3-5 minutes.

3-6 medium beets, about 3" in diameter
1 -3 medium cloves garlic, pressed or chopped
2-6 tsp fresh lemon juice
1-4 TBS balsamic vinegar
3-6 TBS extra virgin olive oil
kosher salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Fill the bottom of a steamer with water.

Steam peeled and sliced beets in Presto Pressure Cooker for 5 minutes. Beets are cooked when you can easily insert a fork on the tip of a knife into the beet. Save the stock!
Transfer beets to a bowl and toss with remaining ingredients while they are still hot.
Add cukes too and they will turn red.

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