Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hydropsychotherapy: Endorphin Dolphin

It was at college that I discovered the mood lifting and calming effects of swimming. Then I discovered it helped my lows and tame my highs and now we are devoted to each other. Swimming, can be a good friend if you love the water. It's the perfect immersion-introversion. There's usually no noise, no chatter except your own thoughts and the gentle counting if you decide. Recently I decided reluctantly to count laps out of curiosity. I had read about Diana Nyad swimming from Cuba to Florida and I wondered how much distance I am covering at the local pool. Then I decided perhaps I need a big abstract goal. Maybe I am swimming to Cuba one swim session at a time. But really I am just trying to ground my cyclothymic self in my water-loving body and it feels good.

Counting is a tool and I have to resist using it as a weapon! "Do one lap and see where it goes!"

I call my swimming hydro-psychotherapy.

When I get a lift and burst of energy I call myself an endorphin dolphin.

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