Monday, June 05, 2017

David Stuart MacLean

“You’ve done a good job of saying everything but how you feel,” she said. “Sadness isn’t something you get to get out of by being smart. You don’t get to outwit this. You will have to deal with the pain at some point.”
― David Stuart MacLean, The Answer to the Riddle Is Me: A Memoir of Amnesia

“... it made me realize how crazy random it was not just that I was me (the billion sperm to one egg; the insane odds against all of my ancestors ever meeting each other), but also how, with the millions of electrical pulses in the brain that were needed to fire every microsecond, it was incredibly random that I continued to be me.”
― David Stuart MacLean, The Answer to the Riddle Is Me: A Memoir of Amnesia

“In the chaos of this world, where we carom and collide in the everyday turbulence, there's something about the specific gravity of the helpless individual, the lost and the fractured, that draws kindness from us, like venom from a wound.”
― David Stuart MacLean

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