Wednesday, April 28, 2021


"People are so crazy out there and I gotta tell you frankly some of them are real assholes. I was in LA driving my tractor trailer in bumper to bumper traffic when I saw a couple in a car up ahead having a huge fight. Suddenly the man threw something out the window. It was a black bag and it started moving. Something in it was alive. I climbed out of the cab and cars were everywhere. I grabbed the bag and opened it. There was a cat inside. I picked it up and by this time all the cars were honking at me, but I didn't care. I took this cat all the way back home to Rhode Island. The cat was skittish for a few weeks but I just left her food and a litter-box in the truck and she calmed down and began to trust me. This cat still is the best friend I've ever had! We've taken several road trips together. She's always waiting for me when I get home. It's like she knows I saved her life and to tell you the truth, she saved mine."

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