Friday, February 24, 2023


Only when the mind is completely empty of the old is there the new. Then there is no longer the question of whether one leads a superficial life. Because then one lives, and the very living is a movement that is not the movement of the old pattern, the old life. It is a totally different way of living in which there is not the animal at all. That is the revolution. Love must always be new; love is not memory, love is not desire. The moment desire comes into it, there is pleasure and memory and the continuation of that pleasure, and therefore it ceases to be love. A mind that has understood all this, that has understood time and authority, is free. Only a mind that is totally free knows the beauty of life that is not bound by any boundary. Therefore it is a life of extraordinary peace and beauty.  Krishnamurti, From Public Talk 7, Saanen, 24 July 1966

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