Saturday, November 04, 2006

Pen and Paper

Always carry a pen and paper because you never know what will spark a train of thought for a story, and clues are all over the place. A big white garbage truck passed me while I was walking Honey today. As it drove by, I read the company's slogan. It was painted in big red letters, in quotes; "Trash, it's not just our business, it's our life." Now who are they quoting? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Eugene O'Neill? I want this quote attributed! I wanted to ask the driver for his business card when he parked at the motorcycle shop around the corner, but I chickened out.

I do freelance work for a home-delivery company, and they are an adorable, kind, ecology-minded company with great service and great products, but one thing they do wrong is that they have a million different slogans, in quotes, and they print them on everything. It's so ridiculous that it's charming in that very Rhode Island way: "Your Grocery Store On Wheels," "Simply Fresh," "Live Longer Live Stronger," etc. etc.

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