Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sentiments & Heirlooms

I have never been given a truly valuable heirloom but there are things I have that I call my heirlooms and they are in my everyday life to remind me of my beloved grandparents. For instance, the pink Lady Ace comb from Grandma that is now missing half of its teeth, and my blue terry-cloth robe that was Grandpa's. My aunt and uncle have graciously sent me a coverlet that Grandma crocheted, and my grandparents' fancy stemware. I found a dish at a junk store that I use now to put teabags in. I love it because it's made of the same iridescent ceramic that Grandma's tea mugs were made of. I guess this makes me sentimental.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I am in college doing research on the history of Lady ACE combs for an archeology lab and can find very little info on line. Can I ask do you know when you're grandma obtained this comb. I am trying to determine when they were made.

Not only is it very special, its also hard to find them anymore!