Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Ice Dam Blues

We've got a whole lot of house dripping from ice dams. I decided I was feeling sorry for myself so I stepped out with Lily and came upon a roadblock. Apparently a cruiser with sirens was driving fast through the light and a woman in a white SUV was oblivious as she cruised through her green light at the intersection. Kaboom. People told me both drivers were taken away on stretchers. The whole City came to a halt. I hope they will be okay.
I stopped in at the Post Office and got my mail (being held due to the ice) my registration renewal stickers and certificate had arrived. I ran into Donald the master community gardener who had been swimming and my pal Sylvia who just colored her hair, and told me her terrace was snowed in. Then we bumped into Blain who was in his patrolman's uniform with another officer doing detective work from Slatersville. I introduced everyone to each other.
I felt much better having gotten out. When I got home I washed Lily's muddy paws and had lunch.
We knew the ice dams would happen. What bothers me the most is the smell of wet wallpaper and wet plaster. I'll have to bake the good smells back.

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