Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Picture This

In kindergarten Miss Estep stood in the center of the room with her back to us. She wore a brown wool sleeveless dress, sheer stockings and brown medium-heeled lady shoes to match. I sat with all of the other children in small wooden chairs positioned in a semicircle. Miss Estep held her out left arm as if she were holding up a tray of drinks and said "this is my left" and then she held out her right arm the same way and said "this is my right," for years in order to distinguish my left from my right I had to picture Miss Estep in the center of the classroom in her brown sleeveless wool dress with her back to me holding out her arm saying 'this is my left' and 'this is my right'. That was how I learned to distinguish left from right.

When I used to take the train to NYC from Rhode Island I had to picture the whole map of The United States and imagine myself on the train heading southwest to New York City to know which side of the train had the view of the Connecticut coastal waters on the way down (the left side) and which side has the water view coming home (the right side).

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