Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dream Come True

Last night I called Sylvia it had been too long since I'd seen her. I asked her if she could come over for soup. "Just come for 20 minutes" I said. She agreed and I was ecstatic. It had been over a month since I'd seen her. She had been isolated suffering from shingles. Bill and Sylvia and I ate my ginger carrot lentil soup with pepper biscuits. We told stories and laughed our heads off. We had my bread right out of the oven sliced and buttered. I made herb tea and brought out dried figs raisins cranberries and my granola and sunflower seeds for dessert. We dropped the figs in the hot tea to soften them. She picked up the purple plastic kalidescope and held it to the light ooing and ahhing. I plugged in the police radio and she was in heaven. "It's all here!" We listened to the dramas unfolding. We promised to show her how to get the police radio on her tablet. "I'll sleep with it under my pillow" she said. I sent her home with soup and bread and pepper biscuits. It was a dream come true.

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