Friday, February 24, 2017

Just Say NO to Plastic Speculums!

Most women don't like plastic speculums because they are larger than necessary and open wider than metal ones. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For women who are not sexually active or who have genitourinary syndrome of menopause, a vaginal exam can be particularly uncomfortable. There are speculums designed for just this purpose - smaller than the ones typically used. For a few of my patients, I use a smaller pediatric speculum. The shape of the speculum matters too. Graves speculums are wider and Pederson speculums are narrower and more comfortable, even for women who don't have genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Warming the speculums ahead of time also adds to their comfort. Your health-care provider can run warm (not hot) water over the speculum before an exam if he or she doesn't have a warmer for them. The water can often serve as the lubricant to avoid the messiness of a gel. Most women don't like plastic speculums because they are larger than necessary and open wider than metal ones. If you have any choice in the matter, say no to plastic speculums.

from The Estrogen Window by Mache Seibel

(p. 191, published by Rodale 2016)

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