Saturday, February 04, 2017

A Winter Picnic

I met Gabe and Sue on my downtown walk. They park at the Rite Aid drugstore and drink tea and coffee and watch the characters walk by on the main street. My pal Sylvia drives up and parks her Saturn beside them with her scruffy terrier and people stop and chat. It's a little community. "I talk to everyone Syl says, I grew up here. I am not afraid, she says. "Me too I say. Lily taught me people are basically good, I used to be shy"
"You, shy?" she laughs.

"I saw Sylvia, we made waffles and went to the thrift store, the affordable one that's open one hour a week," I said to Gabe.

"You got her to eat," Gabe said. "Sure, she loved them. She hates to cook but she likes food. Eating can get lonely when you live alone. I love to bake cook and feed so I try to get her over to eat with me. Our dogs get along and she isn't afraid of coming to my crazy neighborhood and wacky house. I ADORE her. We used to be neighbors, that's how we met. We stayed in touch even when she moved 4 or 5 times since then. My husband says she's my fairy-Godmother, and it's true!"

"You're like me, I love to bake too. Nobody can believe I make my pie crust from scratch," Gabe said.
"It's just practice. What kind of pie?"
"What do you use," I asked, "Crisco and butter? or just Crisco?"
"Crisco and Butter."
"Yes! that's how my husband makes it. We'll have to have a meal together. You make pie, I'll make the soup and bread and we'll get Sylvia and Sue and you and me. Maybe a backyard picnic."
"In this cold weather?" he said, widening his eyes.
"I've done it!" I said laughing. I've hat a snow picnic with hot cocoa at my table. But it was just me and Lily-dog one December at 5 AM. I made a campfire to warm my cocoa and watched the full moon climb over the cottages. That was a bout 5 years ago.
"I believe you, you're crazy!" he said smiling.
"Okay, we can picnic indoors. It's just that everyone loves a picnic and the dining room table makes people anxious. The formality.
"Okay, hows this, we'll spread the red checkered table cloth on the living-room floor and have a picnic," I said, grinning.
"It's a deal!" Gabe said.
"Okay tell Sue, and I'll tell Sylvia," I said. A winter picnic.

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