Monday, February 20, 2017

Last Night

Last night at 2PM it was 60 degrees out and my husband agreed it was worth getting out. We took a long walk with Lily through PB Cemetery and Ethel and Miller St to Harris Pond. As we approached the corner I spotted a huge box labeled FREE which is like cat nip for me. I investigated. "It's a brand new Keurig coffee machine! We don't really need one but FREE is good and I can give it away if I don't want it! "Sure, why not" my husband said.I hoisted it up onto my arms as he held the leash. It was only ten pounds. "You're going to take this along on the walk?" My husband asked.
"Sure, I'm not turning back. We'll probably run into someone we know and ask to stash it in their yard, and come back with the car. I've always made fun of the stupidity of these machines, next I will be salvaging a box of instant mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, frozen waffles, or canned spaghetti. All things I do not comprehend on planet earth. We could get the two dollar plastic empty refilliable cups at joblot and put our own coffee inside," I said. I carried the big box on my shoulder. "I'm like an African woman carrying water," I said. I could tell my husband thought I was crazy. I said "It's part of the story, part the adventure." We passed Lucy's house but I didn't want to ring the bell even though I saw her car was there. That's against my rule. We kept walking. I carried it all the way to Edgewater Drive where my friend Peter Mahoney was standing outside of his house as he often does on a nice day, and I told him the story of the FREE coffee machine. "Sure, sure" he said. He stashed it under his recycle bin. I just made a mug of coffee out of my Folger's Country Roast and it was very noisy but fun.

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