Friday, February 03, 2017

Swimming to Cuba + Waffle Bender + Halfway to Spring

I made a triple-batch of waffle batter by accident because I had some things like (ripe bananas and sourdough starter) that needed to be used. So today I made all of the waffles because somewhere I read that batter can be saved for only 2 days, and I believed it.

There are now two towering stacks of 12 waffles (of four waffles in one) = 106 waffles!!!

I started at 5AM and the house smells great.

In transmit-mode I am attracted to kitchen projects, like waffles and pancakes. I find cleaning appealing.

I am always hungry, I'll wake up at one AM from a growling stomach even though I have been eating all day.

In receive-mode I am never hungry unless I walk many miles and swim, and even then, baking and cooking are not appealing.

I plan to give the waffles away to anyone who crosses my path today or freeze them.

I have continued my swimming-to-Cuba experiment. I have to resist judging myself if I am not able to do 68 laps (1.5 miles) on a given day. The Cuba trip may take longer than 100 days but at least there are no sharks or jellyfish.

I have finally bought a bathing cap so my hair will stay on my scalp. I oil and wet my hair first to repel the chlorinated water. I hold back on shampoo and use just cream-rinse and coconut oil to salvage my silver spiral banana curls. It's working. Hide the scissors, I keep snipping the ragged ends.

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