Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Anne Lamott calls the neck the thighs of the head! I love that! A few years ago I was visiting my pal Anita who was 87 at the time, and she said the ladies in the elderly high-rise were remarking that she didn't have wattles. Anita's reply was that it was because she started swimming at 40 and swam for forty years, turning her head this way and that in the water! So maybe our vanities never cease, we might as well start laughing at ourselves now. I run around the house all the time saying I'm afraid the asthma medicine is going to turn my head into a pumpkin! That is one of my biggest fears, that my head will swell up like a hot-air balloon while the rest of me stays the same, or that I'll wind up with an ugly wrinkled neck like ET. I was surprised to hear that Anita and her friends were discussing these things, because to me Anita is the most beautiful woman in the world. Now she is 91 with a gorgeous smile full of pearly white teeth, and the loveliest wrinkles a face could have. She has straight white hair pulled back into a tiny bun. She exudes love and good cheer. She's a living angel!

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